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Currently reading

The Last Picture Show (Mass Market)
Larry McMurtry
Bram Stoker, Ruben Toledo
Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius
Ray Monk
The Portrait of a Lady
Henry James, Patricia Crick
Maigret et le marchand de vin
Georges Simenon
Le Rouge et le Noir
Logical Chess Move By Move: Every Move Explained New Algebraic Edition - Irving Chernev This is a great book for beginners. I say that as a beginner myself. I feel the analysis of whole games really gives a feeling for the development of the game, and that the move by move format is great window into the specifics. It introduces a lot of basic strategic concepts along the way but also shows neat tactical aspects to the game, both those played as well as the unplayed ones that guided the game. Very enjoyable. That being said I can't much explain why I stalled out just past halfway through although I am actively seeking to improve my chess. Will definitely get back to this one.